Michigan Image Gallery
Leaf In Ice 6.3 MB High Quality Digital Image "No Water Mark" 3910 x 2900 px $19.95 USD
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This image was taken in 2019 during our visit to Bay City Michigan State Park located on the cities northern shore. It captures the raw beauty and the power of the Great Lakes to capture and present beautiful things in unexpected places.
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Winter Wonder Barn 8.6 MB High Quality Digital Image "No Water Mark" 4000 x 3000 px $19.95 USD
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The Winter Wonder Barn digital image was also taken winter 2019. It truly was an absolutely amazing day for capturing images at Dow Gardens. I spent the entire day taking pictures in Midland, Michigan after a snowstorm. I loved how the green contrasted with the sky and the snow!
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Tawas Matrix Swingset 1.8 MB High Quality Digital Image "No Water Mark" 3200 x 2400 px $19.95 USD
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The snow was coming down so hard prior to the picture being taken I could barely see my hand in front of my face. A clearing opened up just enough to let light in and to blur out the background with the still raging snow storm off the lake. Chris says it reminds him of a scene from the movie, The Matrix. Would you take the Red pill or Blue pill?
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"Michigan is the only state where you can always put gloves
on- boxing when we get mad, winter when we get cold and leather when we get
dirty."- Sherry & Chris
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